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Phoenix Fan Fusion | Outreach Events
Phoenix Fan Fusion

I have previously been involved with Phoenix Fan Fusion (formerly Phoenix Comicon), a pop culture celebration specializing in comics, science fiction, and anime. Phoenix Fan Fusion is one of the biggest comicons in the nation, drawing more than 75,000 attendees every year. From 2013 to 2019, I serve as a panelist on a variety of science panels. Some were pure science, others were a mix of science and popular entertainment or public policy.

From 2014 to 2015, I served as the science programming coordinator. I recruited and directed a small team that organized the science programming both years. This programming included 24 hours of panels as well as special exhibits for the exhibitors' space. We pioneered a number of approaches that have helped make the science programming a huge success, including rotating interactive exhibits from a variety of institutions from across the Southwest US region, remixing scientists on panels to create a diversity of fields of expertise and personal experiences, and hosting events where the public can interact with scientists.

Outreach Events

Science Voices
2024: João Alves dos Santos Public School [Brazil] (Mars Farms)
2020: Ak-Chin Indian Community Library [USA] (Mars Family Night)

Phoenix Fan Fusion
2019: EduTech Expo (exhibit), How We Learn from Video Games (panel), Science in The Expanse (panel), Science and Tech in Farscape (panel)
2018: Exobiology: Ice Fishing on Europa (panel), More Machine Than (Lesson) Planned (panel)
2017: EduTech Expo (exhibit), School of Earth and Space Exploration booth (exhibit), Build-a-Lair Workshop (panel), Frequent Liar Miles (panel), From Ashes (panel)
2016: Astrobiology of Mass Effect (panel)
2015: The Funding Game (panel) - Programming Coordinator
2014: Astrobiology of Mass Effect (panel) - Programming Coordinator
2013: Habitable Worlds (panel)

Arizona State University - School of Earth and Space Exploration
2011-2018: Earth and Space Exploration Day (November) - Exhibitor
2011-2018: School of Earth and Space Exploration Open House (monthly) - Exhibitor
2011-2018: ASU's Open Door (February) - Exhibitor