Interests | Courses Taught |
Teaching Interests
I have spent most of my teaching career building and teaching courses related to computer programming, astrobiology, and sustainability.
- In college, I redesigned the curriculum for the computer science course Internet and introduced Flash and databases, which later became integral internet infrastructure.
- In graduate school, I redesigned the curriculum for the astrobiology course Earth and Life to include more experimental pedagogies and activities, including using snapshots of my daily life to teach about the fossil record and creating an ecosystem and extinction role-playing activity.
- At Arizona State University, I tackled online science pedagogies via Habitable Worlds. I conceptualized and tested the simulators used throughout the course and designed the activities around them. I also built the adaptive pathways and adaptive feedback that guided students through the experience.
Currently, I am continuing to innovate in the introductory and interdisciplinary science curricular space.
- In the analog space, I am rebuilding the science classroom around the practice of science (as opposed to content knowledge). The philosophy of this approach is explained in more detail in this blog post. I am testing this approach in classrooms where I work.
- In the digital space, I am constructing global classrooms that include teachers and students from around the world working together on community environmental stewardship projects and interdisciplinary role-playing games.
- In the hybrid space, I am developing a smartphone-based adaptive learning platform that integrates low-cost sensors into activities, Agavi. This work is currently being tested in rural Brazilian communities and will later be expanded to Ukrainian warzones and off-grid regions in Indonesia.
Courses Taught
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil)
GF 137: Fundamentos e Princípios da Extensão [Fundamentals and Principles of Extension] (Early 2024) - Co-instructor
GF 305: Práticas de Geociências na Educação Básica [Geosciences Practices in Basic Education] (Late 2022, Late 2023) - Co-instructor
GN 304: Trabalho de Campo [Fieldwork] (Late 2022) - Co-instructor
Geociências 0119: Intro to Astrobiology (Mid 2022) - Instructor
Science Voices (Global)
Greenworks Teacher Development [Global] (Late 2023) - Instructor
Sustainable States [Brazil/Ukraine] (Late 2021) - Instructor
University of the Virgin Islands (US)
Natural Sciences 104: Astronomy (Summer 2021) - Instructor
Physics 212: Introduction to Physics II (Spring 2021) - Instructor
Physics 211: Introduction to Physics I (Fall 2020) - Instructor
Physics 497: Senior Seminar (Fall 2020, Spring 2021) - Instructor
Universitas Khairun (Indonesia)
Marine Geology (Spring 2020) - Co-Instructor
Chandler-Gilbert Community College (US)
Astronomy 111: Intro to Solar System Astronomy (Fall 2019) - Instructor
Astronomy 112: Intro to Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology Lab (Fall 2019) - Instructor
Arizona State University (US)
Earth and Space Exploration 106: Habitable Worlds (Spring 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2018) - Instructor
Earth and Space Exploration 106: Habitable Worlds (Fall 2011 - Fall 2018) - Course Coordinator
Glendale Community College (US)
Geology 110: Geologic Disasters and the Environment (Fall 2010) - Instructor
Pennsylvania State University (US)
Geosciences 21: Earth and Life (Spring 2008) - Co-Instructor
Geosciences 21: Earth and Life (Spring 2004, Spring 2005) - Teaching Assistant
Geosciences 301: Environmental Geology (Fall 2003) - Teaching Assistant
Johns Hopkins University (US)
Computer Science 113: Internet (Summer 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Summer 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003) - Head Teaching Assistant
Computer Science 113: Internet (Spring 2000, Fall 2001, Spring 2001) - Teaching Assistant